Resource's Page
Here is a list of helpful resources for parents/carers/guardians and their child.
Celebrate Your Body by Sonya Renee Taylor
Growing Up Powerful by Nona Willis Aronowitz
Something is Different This Morning by Cynthia Pokuah
This is The Vulva – by Jo Corrall
Hey Girls – It’s That Time of The Month
Welcome To Youe Period by Yumi Stynes & Dr Melissa Kang
Becoming a Woman by Jane Hardwicke Collings
Period by Natalie Bryne
This period in my life by Saskia Boujo
Moon Mother Moon Daughter by Janet Lucy and Terri Allison
periods & cycles:
We need to talk about vaginas by Dr Allison K. Rodgers and Annika Le Large
One in a Million by Konika Ray Wong
Own your Period by Chella Quint
Moon Mother, Moon Daughter by Janet Lucy & Terri Allison
50 things you Need to Know about Periods by Claire Baker
The Autism-Friendly Guide to Periods by Robyn Steward
Girls Stuff for girls aged 8-`1 by Kaz Cooke
The Girls’ Guide to Growing Up Great by Sophie Elkan
Honest - Everything they Don’t Tell You about Sex, Relationships and Bodies by Milly Evans
Period Power by Maisie Hill
Period Power: A Manifesto for the Menstrual Movement by Nadya Okamoto
What’s Happening to Me by Susan Meredith
Wild Power by Red School
Blood Rites by Jane Hardwicke Collings
Fix Your Period, Nicole Jardim
Wild Flow, Charlotte Pointeaux
The Menstruality Podcast, Red School
28ish Days Later, BBC
Period Queen, Lucy Peach
The Maisie Hill Experience, Maisie Hill
Period Story, Le'Nise Brothers
School of Shamanic Womancraft, Jane Hardwicke Collings
period products:
Period Pants, Pads & Swimwear;
Cheeky Pants
M&S Period Products
Menstrual Cups - there are many to choose from, it is best to buy and try them to see what works for you/your daughter.
Menstrual Discs - Nixit
Organic Disposable Products (pads & tampons)