Thank you for booking with Your Red Tent (aka Your Birth Village). These terms and conditions form your contract with us. Any booking assumes full and informed compliance to and agreement with all of these terms and conditions of sale.
The following offerings can be secured with a deposit:
Virtual Doula - deposit £300
Birth Doula- deposit £500
Traditional Postnatal Doula - deposit £90
Private Full Hypnobirthing/Birth Prep course - deposit £100
Private 3 hour Hypnobirthing Essentials course - deposit £50
Private 3 hour Hypnobirthing Refresher course - deposit £50
Paying a deposit secures your support by me. The balance is due 2 weeks before I begin supporting you. Deposits are non-refundable. Please note: if your balance has not been received 2 weeks before your course start date, my offering may be cancelled.
Payment plans are available, please be in touch to discuss.
Private-Hypnobirthing/Private-Birth Prep/Hypnobirthing-Essentials/Private-Hypnobirthing-Refresher:
In the event that your baby arrives early, and all sessions of your course were due to take place before your 37th week of pregnancy, a refund will be offered. If your baby arrives part way through a course, you will be offered a pro-rata refund for the weeks missed.
In the unlikely event that I cannot make our session, a new date will be offered.
Individual contracts will be signed in respect of these support offerings, all of which have their own cancellation policy. Copies of individual contracts are available upon request.
First Moon Circle/Menstrual Learning Circles/Women’s Circles:
I require a minimum of five participants at circles. In the event the minimum participate isn’t met 36 hrs before the circle, I may cancel the circle. I can offer you a new date or full refund.
In the unlikely event that I cannot hold the circle, a new date will be offered.
Payment is required in full to secure the date of your ceremony. If you have to cancel the ceremony, a new date can be found.
In the unlikely event that I cannot hold the circle, a new date will be offered or a full refund.
In the event there is a national or regional lockdown, my services will be converted to online/virtual/distance support. Refunds will not be offered, unless the service you have booked (i.e. Closing Ceremony) cannot be held online/virtually/distance.
In the event you catch covid-19, my support will be converted to online/virtual/distance support until you are out of isolation. Sessions can be postponed, subject to availability.
In the event I catch covid-19, my support will be converted to online/virtual/distance support until I are out of isolation. Sessions can be postponed, subject to availability.
Using Hypnobirthing techniques is not a substitute for the advice of or the presence during birth or any part of pregnancy or labour of a qualified Medical Practitioner, Midwife or Obstetrician. It does not represent an alternative to appropriate medical care or for professional medical advice in any way shape or form.
Any questions or doubts that you have about the use of Hypnobirthing should be discussed by you with your medical caregiver and the appropriateness of this programme should be confirmed with your medical care giver prior to undertaking the programme.
Nicola Darby, Your Red Tent and Your Birth Village accept no responsibility for the inappropriate use of Hypnobirthing techniques or complications or harm to any third party resulting from the use of Hypnobirthing techniques as a substitute for medical advice. Hypnobirthing is intended solely as an aid to help increase the comfort of labour and birth and is not in any way a guarantee or promise of expected, imagined or actual outcome of the labour or birth.
Participation in Hypnobirthing sessions in any part or in total by any person is undertaken with the understanding that no litigation or legal action whatsoever will be initiated or that no form of compensation or reimbursement or refund will be claimed or applied for at any time now or in the future against Nicola Darby, Your Red Tent and Your Birth Village.
All course material provided is for general information purposes only and should not under any circumstances be construed in any way as being particular individual medical advice or instruction. I accept no responsibility for any of the decisions you make in regards to your pregnancy and birth.
Nicola Darby, Your Red Tent and Your Birth Village accepts no responsibility or liability for any injury caused by taking part in any physical activity on the courses. When taking part in any physical activity on our courses, you are responsible for ensuring your space and equipment are safe to use. If you, or your partner, feel unwell whilst attending a course you should immediately seek the advice of your Midwife, GP or other appropriate health professional.
Nicola Darby, Your Red Tent and Your Birth Village accepts no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage to any property arising out of or resulting from attendance at our classes.
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